This morning we will look at the words of the prophet Jeremiah and the apostle Paul and see that our God is Yahweh Tsidkenu, the Lord Our Righteousness.
Judah’s unrighteousness, expressed in her idolatry and injustice, was on the verge of getting wiped out by Babylon. But there was a promise given that one day God would put her back together again. When he did so, there would be a righteous king on David’s throne, a branch that would have grown out of the stump of David’s family tree. This Shepherd King will reign in wisdom and justice and will gather the nations to himself. He will save his people and they will no longer fear. He will be called by the name Yahweh Tsidkenu, the Lord Our Righteousness.
Paul introduces us to him in Romans, where we find that Christ is our Righteousness. Jesus is our righteousness. Nothing or no one else is. This is good news for those who are discouraged by their flagging or failing righteousness. This is humility for those who assume their own righteousness is plenty. Our righteousness is safe and secure in Jesus!