How do we keep in tune with grace? How do our hearts get out of tune? How do we get them back in tune? When an instrument gets out of tune, the strings must be stretched back into tune. And so must we be stretched, sometimes painfully so, to get us back in tune with grace.
Podcast: Amazing Grace
Who Gets Amazing Grace? Conduits of Grace!
God is able to keep giving grace in abundance so that generous people will not only have their own needs met but will have enough grace for every good work God calls them to!
Who Gets Amazing Grace? Grace is Coming!
When Christ appears, grace will appear with him. Believers will revel in immeasurable grace age after age.
Who Gets Amazing Grace? The Witness and The Servant
God gives us grace so that we can minister grace “in its various forms” to others!
Who Gets Amazing Grace? The Weak and Humble
For the apostle Paul, where the true power was found in his life, where God filled his life with amazing grace, was in his weakness. God had humbled him and made him to see his need for grace.
Who Gets Amazing Grace? Believers!
This morning we will answer the question, who does God give grace? Who gets it? Believers. Receivers. This grace is more than common grace, this is saving grace.
Who Gets Amazing Grace? Everyone!
This morning we will answer the question, who does God give grace? And the answer is simple. Everyone. In some way or another, every person on the planet receives grace. In theological circles, it’s called ‘common grace’.