God is perfectly righteous. His righteousness is expressed in perfect justice. Scripture describes God’s righteousness as a mighty mountain, and his justice as a deep ocean.
There is a lot of talk these days about social justice. There is a lot of division, fear and misunderstanding around the subject of justice. For three weeks we will be taking a look at the church and justice. The first Sunday of the series we saw that if the church is to lead the way in justice, we must start with God and the gospel. In the gospel we find the perfect expression of God’s righteousness and justice. Last Sunday we saw in the prophet Isaiah that when Jesus brings his kingdom to earth he will execute perfect justice for the poor and oppressed. He will bring healing and the nations will stream to Jerusalem.
This morning we will see that Jesus is using his followers today not only to reach the lost and build the church, but also to do righteousness and justice for the vulnerable in our society.
One of the cool things about God is that not only has he shown us mercy and released us from the penalty of sin, He graciously will give us the amazing benefits of an eternity with Him in the future. We did not deserve his mercy and do not deserve his grace. In response we are allowing Jesus to use us, not only to tell those around us about Jesus and to gather together as the family of God, but also, but also to do righteousness and justice for the vulnerable in our society.
1 John 4:20 is a good summary of Is 58:1-10. “He who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.”