The Authority of the Groom

Last week we looked at the extreme joy of the best man. A good best man does not try to call attention to himself or steal the spotlight at the wedding. The best man’s joy is to hear the voice of the groom arriving with the bride and to celebrate the groom. John the Baptist was Jesus’ “best man”, and John gave us the amazing words, “He must increase. I must decrease”.
When you consider who he’s talking about, it seems obvious. The groom, Jesus Christ, has all authority and during His time on earth He spoke and ministered in fellowship with the Spirit and spoke the very words of God. He is “from heaven and is above all”.
In a world that is in desperate need of a message with authority because everyone is their own authority, we need to be reminded that there is one who spoke with absolute authority. To receive the message of Jesus is to receive Him as God. To receive Jesus is to receive eternal life. To reject Jesus is to reject God and to remain under His wrath. Eternity is at stake!