We have been looking at John 6, which we’ve been calling the New Testament Exodus. We have the new and better “Moses”, who provides bread for multitudes. We saw the I AM who doesn’t just part the sea but walks on it. God provided the Israelites bread under the leadership of Moses, but He sent His Son to be the living bread. The Israelites ate God-given manna but an entire generation died in the wilderness. The Son of God is Himself the bread who gives life eternal.
We have everything for an Exodus. Only one thing is missing – grumblers! And we have some of those today in John 6. When Jesus said He was the “bread sent from heaven”, the Jews grumbled over both parts of the statement. How could He be from heaven, we know his parents? How can He be great and command us to feed on him for eternal life?
How does grumbling keep US from trusting Jesus?
How does complaining keep YOU and ME from feeding on Jesus and being satisfied in Him?